
Rec. Price: €798 /pc excl. VAT

When the acoustic quality needs to be improved at the same time as the walls serve a useful purpose, STORYBOARD is an excellent solution. STORYBOARD combines sound function and practical properties in a brilliant way as it is also made for putting up pictures, notes and information.

Märkning: BIM Object | pCon Planner | Byggkatalogen

Properties for EcoSund

Measurement: 1600X1200
No emissions: EcoSUND is completely free of glue/binders
No dangerous chemicals: EcoSUND does not release fibers that itch or irritate.
Material: EcoSUND is made from recycled PET.

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Acoustic Facts

Product Surface 63 125 250 500 1 2 4 aw
Storyboard Trevira 0.05 0.30 0.60 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.85 0.90