No emissions or hazardous fibers
EcoSUND is completely free of binders and therefore does not emit any emissions or gases.
The emission measurements meet the requirements of SS-EN ISO 16000-9:2006 for TVOC, formaldehyde and ammonia. The structure of the absorbent means that the fibers are both moisture resistant and thus cannot mold, nor do they release dust or anything else that gives rise to allergies.
How does sound absorption work?
Sound absorption is an intricate process. Simply explained, it works by the sound waves entering the EcoSUND material, absorbs when it collides with the fiber composition and converting there into thermal energy – and it becomes silent. This reduces the sound image.
Since its launch, EcoSUND has been highly appreciated by customers and acousticians due to its good sound absorption even at steeply incidental sound angles. EcoSUND has an even absorption curve all over the spectrum of the speech frequencies
EcoSUND has positive effects whether you use it on the roof or wall. However, in order to get the best possible acoustic effect, one should enlist the help of competent people to make the right choice of products and placement as part of getting the perfect sound. This expertise is available at A.M. Acoustics.

Sound absorption test
Sound absorption is tested in accordance with standard ISO 354 and ISO 11654. Test results are available with us at A.M. Acoustics and also at Acoustic facts. Examples of test results for 50 mm EcoSUND:
Direct mounted, Class A αw 0.9
50 mm air gap,Class A αw 0,9
200 mm air gap, Class A αw 0.95
Fire test
EcoSUND is tested according to EN 13501-1:2007 + A1 2009, EN 13823 and EN ISO 11925-2 with approved rating B-s1,d0 *.
* Also tested with polyester surface layer material and Trevira CS.
We have calculated the environmental impact from EcoSUND® and EcoSUND® RAW

The product passes the test according to ISO 16000-9:2006 in terms of TVOC, formaldehyde, CMR and single VOC. The test results are in compliance with the requirements of M1, and also meets the requirements of Swedish Byggvarubedömningen of the recommended class regarding VOC emissions to indoor environment.
To document and certificates >>
Do you have questions about EcoSUND?
Call us or send an email:
+46 (0)346 714 850